Greetings Sustainable Matrix Weavers!
We actually do strive towards cooperation however and an opportunity to do so emerged at the end of June when Ning announced the no more 'free' networks that knocked many folks out of the social network arena. We committed ourselves to the next stage of evolution for this project and by July SeThInk Media (parent company of the Interdependent Project) became the sponsor, and we managers, of the Transition California Network. A great deal of our time was spent during the month of August integrating and serving the evolution of that network. September has been a month of catching up with network/site management and launching into the next phase.
The main website is also updated with a great deal of new content and a new navbar. We have some new Interdependent Fellowship organizations and initiatives that will receive a great deal of focus from us in the coming months. We are deeply saddened to report the apparent demise of NextGEN (The Next Generation EcoVillage Network) which we are still in the process of understanding why they are no longer online. The NextGEN handbook is still available for download because it is full of structural ideas and concepts that can be used by folks wanting to keep moving forward. We will give you updates as we learn more.
The private Interdependent Project Community Sphere network will be receiving attention and focus as well this winter and we are in the process of interviewing new Executive Administrators to help that network evolve toward its value fulfillment. There are currently 13 communities participating and over 100 members.
The public Sustainable Matrix Weavers network will also be seeing a new infusion of activity and content geared towards delivering inspiring sustainable solutions that are springing up under our feet everyday from around the world and in some cases in your neighborhood. Please share and contribute to the network any videos, blog content, or discussions that may have come into your own radar. It is impossible for us to gather all the emerging information and we appreciate you weaving positive solutions with us into this matrix. We have added some new tabs on the menu bar to enhance connectivity between the networks and initiatives we are currently supporting and involved with and we invite you to check them out.
It is Fall Equinox 2010 here in the northern hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the southern hemisphere. Equinox is the balance between daylight and nighttime hours and we are seeking to strike that balance within ourselves and our work as we move toward the winter season for us.The summer of 2010 has been full of major transitions for us here at the Interdependent Project headquarters. Most of the shifts began to accelerate right after Earth Day. Whenever changes happen and new opportunities open up it becomes necessary to examine the current list of priorities and sometimes dump excess and unproductive projects/initiatives into the recycle bin as we move and shift focus on what gets attention. Some would say that is healthy evolution....

We had been spending a great deal of energy on team building/relationships and in May there was a team summit that brought about a shift in priorities as well as a deeper understanding of how the word 'cooperative' is not necessarily defined and translated the same for everyone. We found that many people think cooperative is married to compromise and we respectfully disagree with that association. Therefore the Interdependent Project is now being managed not by a 'team' but by the uncompromising founders.

We actually do strive towards cooperation however and an opportunity to do so emerged at the end of June when Ning announced the no more 'free' networks that knocked many folks out of the social network arena. We committed ourselves to the next stage of evolution for this project and by July SeThInk Media (parent company of the Interdependent Project) became the sponsor, and we managers, of the Transition California Network. A great deal of our time was spent during the month of August integrating and serving the evolution of that network. September has been a month of catching up with network/site management and launching into the next phase.

And what is the next phase?
We are happy to report that our main focus is going to be geared towards facilitating the importation of the protocols that were established by the Lammas EcoVillage in Wales for EcoVillage & Low Impact Sustainable Development here into the United States.
We feel the one of the biggest foundational priorities for these current times is to institute new frameworks for how we live on this Earth and it begins with our own homes/family/communities. The EcoVillage model is just one of the new emerging models and we are committed to building upon the success of Lammas through the further development of this model as a viable way for us to achieve sustainable living. We are developing a strategy for the successful importation and translation of the zoning/building/application protocols and welcome participation from any of you who may share in our deeper convictions about the need for new sustainable community models that are legal and accepted by local planning departments.
We feel the one of the biggest foundational priorities for these current times is to institute new frameworks for how we live on this Earth and it begins with our own homes/family/communities. The EcoVillage model is just one of the new emerging models and we are committed to building upon the success of Lammas through the further development of this model as a viable way for us to achieve sustainable living. We are developing a strategy for the successful importation and translation of the zoning/building/application protocols and welcome participation from any of you who may share in our deeper convictions about the need for new sustainable community models that are legal and accepted by local planning departments.

There is much more to report and will do so over the coming weeks as things develop and solidify.
We want to thank all of you for being a part of the Interdependent Project's growth and evolution!
In Sustainable Solidarity
Darlene Green