Almost the end of August and we have been working since Earth Day on the Seeds of Sustainability program. The learning spiral never ends on this path of regenerative media. Our team is small and the list of things to do endless during this hot summer. We realized too late that we did not make a post to this blog for the June 21st Interdependence Day celebration - duh - so here is a link to the page with the special radio broadcast and videos celebrating the event. We shamelessly admit that more than 50% of our time is spent outdoors stewarding the Land of Dandarius here in Northern Caly. 60 acres of land inspires a huge amount of devotion. Here is one before and after shot of the small fish pond area we created by the house...

We also had some computer problems here - operating systems going haywire (Vista sucks) and master computer crashing and giving its final beep goodbye. We have Linux now on the previous Vista computer and a new big mamma computer which is still getting all of the programs reloaded but she's a serious machine with 200GB - and we are getting a 2000GB external hardrive for all of the media we plan to launch this fall/winter. We hope to have the dvd done within the next couple weeks but we know better than to set ourselves up for any 'dates'...this project has a spirit and clock of it's own.
The Green PaTroll has been keeping things moving in the new Interdependent network and below is a copy of the Stage Two Launch report that he posted in the forum there....if you have not already joined please feel free to come join and weave your visions and make some connections:
Greetings Sustainable Matrix Weavers
I have been commissioned to give you all a full report of the Stage Two Launch of the Interdependent Project. Those of you who have been with us since Stage One launch know that the Interdependent Project's main website, Interdependent Project Radio, the Interdependent Project Community Sphere, and the Seeds of Sustainability Program were the focus of Stage One Launch. Because the team is on a "learn as they go" mission the learning spiral involved in getting this matrix weaved was full of wild rides, unexpected surprises as well as disappointments, exciting connections with amazing individuals/organizations, and new friends joining the team.
The re-branding of the whole project was a huge undertaking and Dandarius is going to write a small and humorous ebook 'expose`' revealing the behind the scenes drama for those who might be interested in what kind of details have been involved in the creation of this multi-media portal.
Interdependence Day marked the beginning of the Stage Two Launch which encompasses the following projects goals:
Interdependent Ambassador Susan Frank's community tour and media outreach for the summer and fall. Susan is visiting many communities striving for sustainable living and attending events focused on 'green' themes. She will be spending a great deal of time at the Tennessee Farm as an apprentice to core team member Greg Landua helping the Farm prepare for the upcoming Bioregional Congress that is being hosted at the Farm. You can keep up with
Susan's tour on her blog and if you are interested in attending please contact Susan directly so that she can have you on her own guest list during your visit!
Seeds of Sustainability will be releasing the first educational DVD that introduces master sprouting alchemist and core team member Robin Marche's revolutionary sprouting and living oils methods. These methods show how to make the highest quality sprouted vegetables using simple methods that eliminate the need to do daily rinsing and how to create living oils from nuts and seeds.
You can download a free ebook and join the S.O.S. community if you are into accessing new and simple ways to add the highest living nutritious foods to your diet. Members of the private Interdependent Community Sphere (EcoVillages and Sustainable Communities) will be gifted a free digital download of the DVD and the team is going to give all members of the Interdependent Project an opportunity for a free download as well...more about that soon....
Interdependent Community Sphere will be expanding this summer now that the first four communities have provided the feedback and joined the platform that is going to allow these communities to expand their connections with each other. It has been very exciting for the team to provide this private platform to these pioneers of sustainable living and try to find ways of serving their needs. 10+ new communities will be invited this summer into the Sphere and Susan will be recommending more during her travels.
Interdependent Project you all know the first 11 launch shows were a great success in many ways. The Green Talk Radio network however proved to not quite be the best platform in the teams opinion for future shows so radio broadcasting temporarily ceased while the team has been learning how to launch their own network. They are hoping to be able to resume broadcasting late fall/early winter when everyone is back indoors and ready for more cutting edge 'best of the best' in sustainable solutions. They still have many unbroadcasted/archived interviews with people like Earnest Callenbach, author of Ecotopia, and many more on cue so please stay tuned. There will be special broadcasts during the summer to keep you all up to date on great events like the Bioregional Congress and others that the team has time to produce.

Speaking of time...there never seems to be enough lately and I have watched the team struggle with this issue the most. Weaving a high quality matrix like the Interdependent Project is a huge time commitment and during these past few months the team has had a few challenges to overcome so they feel bad that they have not been able to keep up with a great deal of email communications and project related content. I have volunteered to help them in many ways but they still need team members who can contribute time and talent. They are currently looking for dedicated individuals to volunteer for the following areas:
~Full time video producer/editor for published digital DVD's and YouTube movies.
~~Radio hosts to do interviews in the 10 categories of the Sustainable Matrix. One host per category - we already have regular host lined up for the Earth Shelters and Sustain Yourself shows but need someone for others.
~~~Audio editor for radio shows
~~~~Webmaster to work with Dar on site updates/upgrades.
~~~~~Interdependent Partners marketing director.
~~~~~~Networkers to help weave Interdependent connections
~~~~~~~Language translators for audio and video
The Interdependent Project team is committed to the next 7 generations...that is 150 years approximately and although that is not much for us Trolls it can seem like forever to humans. I believe those of you who are making a deep commitment to the future have a part of your being already living there enjoying the fruits of the Tree of Sustainability that you are planting right now. I also believe humans are not far from unlocking the door to living even far beyond that time span by opening yourselves to the magic of life NOW.
In deepest gratitude and service
Your friend
Green PaTroll
In Sustainable Solidarity
Darlene Green